If you need your documents to be legalised or apostilled our notary will be able to liaise with the Foreign Office or the appropriate embassy or consulate on your behalf.


If you need your documents to be legalised or apostilled our notary will be able to liaise with the Foreign Office or the appropriate embassy or consulate on your behalf.

The majority of the documents that you’ll need notaries for are for use overseas, by legal authorities such as notaries, courts, lawyers and official authorities, which will request your documents not only notarised but also attested by the Foreign Office, by the embassy of the country where the documents will be used, or in some cases by both. A confirmation from a chamber of commerce might also be necessary for commercial documents or invoices.

Our notary office can handle all these steps for you or, if you have the time, advise you on how to do it yourself.


Also called the "apostille", this is an official certificate that the Foreign Office will add to the back of some documents before they can be used abroad.

Our notary practice deals every day with the Foreign Office and we can use both their standard and their fast-track routes to obtain apostilles for you, depending on your urgency.


If you are unsure about whether or not you need any documents legalised, whether or not you will require an apostille, or for a consultation or a quote, get in touch with us by email at, or give us a call on +44 (0) 20 3950 6499. Alternatively, fill in the short enquiry form on the Get a Quote page.

We suggest you send us a copy of any documents you need legalised along with your enquiry so we can give you an accurate quote.